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Home Blog Moissanite story Moissanite vs Diamond: Which is More Beautiful?

Moissanite vs Diamond: Which is More Beautiful?

2022-08-05 Admin

Moissanite vs Diamond: Which is More Beautiful?

The top question in the moissanite vs diamond debate is whether one holds more beauty than the other. Certainly, moissanite is a convincing diamond simulant. To tell the difference between diamonds and moissanites, jewelry experts need a “moissanite tester” — a device that measures electrical conductivity — and a loupe for a close visual examination. However, there are slight differences in their beauty that consumers may notice.

Brilliance and Fire

When you’re looking at a diamond, you’ll notice both brilliance (white flashes) and fire (colored flashes). Moissanite also shows both, but typically has more fire than diamond. So, moissanite tends to have more colored flashes of light than diamond.

However, this depends partly on the diamond cut. Diamonds with older cut styles or modern cuts with certain angles will show more fire than most modern diamonds. This can make it difficult to tell the difference between the two.

Distinguishing moissanites and diamonds based on brilliance and fire isn’t reliable, but it’s easier to see at larger sizes. Even so, unless you have experience in the jewelry industry, you won’t be able to tell the difference just based on appearance.

Is Diamond More Durable Than Moissanite?


At a 10 on the Mohs scale, diamond is well-known as the hardest material. Nothing but a diamond can scratch another diamond. With a hardness of 9.25, moissanite is the second-hardest material used a gemstone. Unless you store your moissanite with diamond jewelry, it’s highly unlikely that it will scratch.

Sources: Does Moissanite Chip Easily?Moissanite Versus Cubic Zirconia.

If reliable, these figures indicate diamond takes about twice as much pressure to break than moissanite, while moissanite takes three times as much pressure to break than CZ. However, it’s not clear if the measurement for diamond is an average of pressure applied in any direction or if it was taken along its cleavage plane, which would be weaker. (CZ, like moissanite, also lacks a cleavage plane).

Generally, both diamond and moissanite are unlikely to chip or crack, although this is always a possibility and also depends on the type of cut. (For example, princess cuts may chip more easily than rounds). When choosing between these gems, durability isn’t a significant factor.

Budget and Size for Moissanite vs. Diamond

Cost is almost always a major factor when choosing an engagement ring. When comparing moissanite vs diamond, moissanite is the clear winner in the price category. Check out the moissanite sizes you can get for the following budgets, compared to diamonds of different color grades.

For simplicity’s sake, these are prices for round diamonds, with the highest carat weight in the budget for an eye-clean SI2, These diamond prices represent a bare minimum of eye-clean quality,which is equivalent to a D-E-F diamond color grade.

Even at smaller budgets of $500, the size difference between moissanite and diamond is significant, with a moissanite being 8% larger than a diamond with faint color or 20% larger than a D-E-F diamond.

Natural Origins or Lab-Made Beauty?

Ultimately, the most important factor in your decision on moissanite vs diamond — even more so than cost — will be whether you’d just prefer to have a diamond or a moissanite.

Some consumers prefer diamond for tradition, prestige, or natural origin. This is a personal choice with no wrong answers. If you’d prefer a diamond, buy a diamond. If you’d prefer a moissanite, buy a moissanite.

Where to Purchase a Moissanite or Diamond Engagement Ring

If you’ve decided on a diamond, read about diamond quality first to avoid paying more than necessary. Because a diamond is such an expensive and personal purchase, you simply must get a closeup look at how it sparkles before buying.

For moissanite, quality is far less variable, making the shopping experience easier. GIGAJEWE the original manufacturer of gem-grade moissanite, has hundreds of ring styles to choose from, all available online.

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